Hi big brother just to let you know a miss you so much we all do.Ryan has got himself a girlfriend and going on holiday with her in March and Paige well she is out at the weekends with her pals,this weekend she going for a meal with her friends,what a life shes got only if you were here to see them Mark you would be the proudest uncle ever,Ryan is so much like you in a lot of things he does.Des working hard thinks about you alot actually misses you,its funny Mark if you were here you Desi and Ryan would be out at the pub.Mum and Dad are just taking day by day and trying to cope but its so hard do you know mum still has you voice on her phone and she watches you on dvd all the time,she keeps you so close to her.Love and miss you every single day its 19th Jan 2012 GOD BLESS A WILL SEE YOU ONE DAY xxxxxx